2024 PPMC Match Play Tournament Rules – Start date May 25, 2024


Participants will have three weeks to complete each round - but you may play the next round at any time.

If you and your opponent are both signed up to play, in any given week, you will be scheduled to play your match.

Matches can be played at any time - they do not have to be played during normal Saturday play.

(Only matches played during normal Saturday play will be eligible for the regular weekly prizes.)


If you are scheduled to play a match and cannot play during normal Saturday Men’s Club play times, please contact the member against whom you are scheduled to play to make arrangements to play the match at another time. If you need a member’s phone number, please contact Rich Jordan at 217-529-8949 or submit@ppmcgolf.com as soon as possible, AND before the last scheduled Saturday in the round.


Upon completion of your match, PLEASE MAKE SURE THAT BOTH PARTICIPANTS IN THE MATCH SIGN THE SCORECARD. Place the scorecard in the wooden box at the Pasfield Park Golf Course clubhouse counter.

Please also indicate the winner and score, of each match, on the bracket sheet posted on the bulletin board.


The 2024 PPMC Match Play Tournament schedule is as follows:

1st round play must be completed by Wednesday June 12th

2nd round play must be completed by Wednesday July 3rd.

3rd round play must be completed by Wednesday July 24th

Final round play must be completed by Wednesday August 14th

Inter-flight play first round must be completed by Wednesday September 4th

The inter-flight final round must be completed by Wednesday September 25th


Each player’s tournament handicap will be listed on the Match Play Handicaps sheet on the bulletin board.

Make sure to check the handicap sheet as your handicap will change during the duration of the tournament.

If there is a difference in the players' handicaps, use the chart below to determine on which holes the higher handicap player will receive strokes.

(New members' first round handicaps will be based on their 2 lowest league scores.)


Please put the actual scores on the scorecard as you will also be playing regular weekly game play.


Use the Match +/- line, on the scorecard, to record holes won.


Determine the number of strokes given to the higher handicap player using the table below.


1 stroke difference –   One stroke on Hole #8

2 strokes difference –             One stroke on Holes # 3 & 8

3 strokes difference –             One stroke on Holes # 1, 3, & 8

4 strokes difference –             One stroke on Holes # 1, 3, 7 & 8

5 strokes difference –             One stroke on Holes # 1, 3, 4, 7 & 8

6 strokes difference –             One stroke on Holes # 1, 3, 4, 6, 7 & 8

7 strokes difference –             One stroke on Holes # 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8 & 9

8 strokes difference –             One stroke on Holes # 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8 & 9

9 strokes difference –             One stroke on each hole


If the match goes beyond 9 holes, strokes will be given again, on the appropriate holes, until the match is finished.


Inter-flight match strokes will be posted on the bulletin board with the inter-flight bracket.


If you have any questions, please see Rich Jordan.


And remember, "Let's have fun out there."