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Pasfield Park Men's Club



   Meeting Minutes 

2025 Meetings

Dave Baird - President

Brian Eastman - Vice President

Rich Jordan - Secretary/Treasurer



Rich Jordan – Spring Medal Play Chairman

Rich Jordan – Fall Medal Play Chairman

Rich Jordan - Mini-Tour



April 5, 2025 - Opening Day




2024 Meetings

Dave Baird - President

Tm Cull - Vice President

Rich Jordan - Secretary/Treasurer



Rich Jordan – Spring Medal Play Chairman

Rich Jordan – Fall Medal Play Chairman

Rich Jordan - Mini-Tour



March 16, 2024 - Opening Day

35 Returning members and 6 new potential members attended the meeting.  6 joined today


Moment of silence for past members and those afflicted with illnesses and/or injuries


Meeting topics included:

Old Business:

There was no old business.


New Business:

The following members were nominated and voted into office:

Secretary/Treasurer – Rich Jordan


There was a general rules overview and several questions that were presented by members were answered.

Membership over years have ranged from 70 members to 54 members last year.


Frank Lewis questioned the rational of members over 90 years old moving to different tees based on their handicap. He proposed that players 90 and over should be able to play from the red tees no matter what flight they are in.

Tim Gaspard made the motion to let 90 year olds play from the red tees no matter what flight they are in. It was seconded and it was passed with a slim majority of the members present.


Mini Tour – Schedule has been published on PPMC Homepage

  • All events are scheduled on Wednesday this year.
  • 1st event is scheduled for Wednesday April 10th.
  • Non PPMC golfers who participate in Mini tour will be charged an additional $5 per year.  Fee can pee paid all at once or extra $1 per event until $5 is reached.  The fee is being assessed to help offset costs of the league (i.e. – league manager software, website hosting, domain name)


The meeting was adjourned. 


21 Members played in the windy, cart path only conditions.


2024 End of the Year Banquet - October 19, 2024

34 Members and 13 Guests attended.


The meal was catered by Fulgenzi’s Catering.

The meal consisted of Italian Rosemary Roast of pork, Scalloped Potatoes, Green Beans, Mostaciolli with Meat Sauce, and Strawberry Salad.


A business meeting was held after the meal.


Topics discussed included the following.

Old Business:

1. No old business


The offices for the 2025 season will be :

President - Dave Baird

Vice-President - Brian Eastman

Secretary/Treasurer - Rich Jordan


New Business:

1. No new business


There was recognition of Shirley and Bob's gardening efforts to make the first tee at Pasfield the best looking first tee of any course we play.

We discussed giving them a stipend so they can continue planting flowers and plants and weeding the surrounding areas.

A motion was made to give them $100 a year until such time that they no longer take on the task.

The vote was a unanimous Yea so, beginning in 2025, a $100 stipend will be added to the yearly budget.


Mini Tour:

1. There was a discussion of the ocurses we played this year and the courses the members would like to play next year.

2. There was a request to reinstate the Closest to the Pin Games on some of the par 3s.

The large difference in yardages on some of the par 3s make it unfair for some of the players playing the longer tees.

We will study the courses we will be playing to determine which, if any, of the par 3s have yardage ranges that will make it fair for all players.


After the meeting, individual achievement awards and door prizes were presented.



2023 Meetings

Rich Jordan - President

Don Perry - Vice President

Tim Gaspard - Secretary/Treasurer

Rich Jordan – Spring Medal Play Chairman

Rich Jordan – Fall Medal Play Chairman

Rich Jordan - Mini-Tour

March 25, 2023 - Opening Day

32 Returning members and 4 new potential members attended the meeting.  2 joined today


Moment of silence for past members and those afflicted with illnesses and/or injuries


Meeting topics included:

Old Business:

45 year anniversary of PPMC -  Membership over years have ranged from 70 members to 54 members last year

Discussed Drop Zone on Hole #2 -  If a player hits a ball into the trees behind the #2 green; the player may play from the trees or play from the new Drop Zone on the left side of Green with 1 stroke penalty -  The topic was discussed and approved.


The following members were nominated and voted into office:

President – Rich Jordan

Vice President – Don Perry

Secretary/Treasurer – Tim Gaspard


New Business:

A proposal was made to increase maximum handicap to 20.  The topic was discussed and approved.


Discussion about Match Play tournament to be brought back with some changes.  The topic was discussed and approved

  • You must sign up to participate in the tournament. A sign-up sheet will be placed on the bulletin board at Pasfield
  • Match Play will start in late April
  • Matches can be played at any time during the three week window for each round.
  • Players in the Match Play tournament, who are on Regular week PPMC schedule, will be scheduled in same tee time to accommodate Match Play


There was a general rules overview and several questions that were presented by members were answered.


Mini Tour – Schedule has been published on PPMC Homepage

  • More events are scheduled on Wednesday’s again this year with a few on Thursday’s
  • 1st event is scheduled for Thursday April 20th
  • Non PPMC golfers who participate in Mini tour will be charged additional $5 per year.  Fee can pee paid all at once or extra $1 per event until $5 is reached.  Fee is being assessed to help offset costs of league (i.e. – league manager software, website hosting, domain name)


The meeting was adjourned.  Donuts & drink tickets were provided to all who attended

Regular golf cancelled following the meeting due to weather.

2023 End of the Year Banquet - October 14th, 2023

33 Members and 13 Guests attended.


The meal was catered by Fulgenzi’s Catering.

The meal consisted of Italian Rosemary Roast of pork, Scalloped Potatoes, Green Beans, Mostaciolli with Meat Sauce, and Strawberry Salad.


A business meeting was held after the meal.


Topics discussed included the following.

Old Business:

1. There was a motion, and second, to move the normal weekly tee times back to 9:30 am. There was an overwhelming no response. Only four members voted to uphold the motion and return to 9:30 tee times, therefore, the normal weekly tee times will remain at 8:30 am for 2024.


The offices for the 2024 season will be :

President - Dave Baird

Vice-President - Tim Cull

Secretary/Treasurer - Tim Gaspard


New Business:

No new business


Mini Tour:

There were no topics presented for discussion.


After the meeting individual achievement awards and door prizes were presented.




2022 Meetings

Don Perry – President

Bob Munos – Vise President

Rich Jordan – Secretary/Treasurer

Rich Jordan – Spring Medal Play Chairman

Rich Jordan – Fall Medal Play Chairman

Rich Jordan - Mini-Tour

March 26, 2022 – Opening Day

25 returning members and four new prospects attended the meeting. The four new prospects joined the league.


Moment of silence for past members and those afflicted with illnesses and/or injuries


Meeting topics included:

General rules overview


Review of the new rule regarding tees in play allowing players in the ‘C’ and ’D’ flights and players 80 and over not in the first flight to play the red tees on holes 1, 3 & 8.

The requirements for playing the red tees on all holes was changed from ‘75 years of age and a 15 handicap’ to ’75 years of age and a 13 handicap’.

Rule #6 – Hole #8 was changed to allow a player who hits a second ball into the water may drop on the green side of the creek in an area near the end of the last bridge.



The meeting was adjourned.


Due to the weather and course conditions, no one played golf.


2022 End of the Year Banquet – October 22, 2022

32 Members and 12 Guests attended.


The meal was catered by Fulgenzi’s Catering.

The meal consisted of Italian Rosemary Roast of pork, Scalloped Potatoes, Green Beans, Mostaciolli with Meat Sauce, and Strawberry Salad.


A business meeting was held after the meal.


Topics discussed included the following.

Old Business:

  1. No old business to discuss


The offices for the 2023 season will be determined by a vote in at the spring meeting.

Tim Gaspard has shown interest in, and is in training for, the position of Secretary/Treasurer beginning in 2023.


New Business:

A drop zone for balls hit into the trees behind hole #2 was proposed.

It will be discussed at the 2023 spring meeting


Mini Tour:

There were no topics presented for discussion.


Dave Baird presenter Rich Jordan with a card, and gift card, in appreciation of his time as the league's Secretary/Treasurer.


After the meeting individual achievement awards and door prizes were presented.



2021 Meetings

Bob Munos – President

Don Perry – Vise President

Rich Jordan – Secretary/Treasurer

Rich Jordan – Spring Medal Play Chairman

Rich Jordan – Fall Medal Play Chairman

Rich Jordan - Mini-Tour

March 27, 2021 – Opening Day

31 Returning members and 1 new member attended the meeting.


Moment of silence for past members and those afflicted with illnesses and/or injuries


Meeting topics included:

General rules overview


The following members were nominated and voted into office:

President – Bob Munos

Vice President – Don Perry

Secretary/Treasurer – Rich Jordan


A proposal was made to allow the players in the ‘C’ and ’D’ flights to play the red tees on holes 1, 3 & 8. The topic was discussed and approved.


The requirements for playing the red tees on all holes was changed from ‘75 years of age and a 15 handicap’ to ’75 years of age and a 13 handicap’.


Rule #6 – Hole #8 was changed to allow a player who hits a second ball into the water may drop on the green side of the creek in an area near the end of the last bridge.


The meeting was adjourned.


Regular golf followed the meeting. 25 members played.


2021 End of the Year Banquet – October 23, 2021

28 Members and 8 Guests attended.


The meal was catered by Fulgenzi’s Catering.

The meal consisted of Italian Rosemary Roast of pork, Scalloped Potatoes, Green Beans, Buttered Corn, Mostaciolli with Meat Sauce, and Strawberry Salad.


A business meeting was held after the meal.


Topics discussed included the following.

Old Business:

  1. The temporary rule allowing players in the C and D flights, and those 75 years and older in the B flight, to play from the red tees on holes #1, 3 & 8 was voted in as a permanent rule.
  2. The temporary rule stating that “ If a player hits two balls into the creek on holes number 8, he may drop on the other side ot the creek neat the last bridge” was voted in as a permanent rule.


The offices for year 2022 will be:

President – Don Perry

Vice-President – Bob Munos

Secretary/Treasurer – Rich Jordan


Rich stated that he will remain in the position for one more year and advised that someone will need to step in after that.


New Business:

There was no new business.


Mini Tour:

It was suggested that we play more events in September, rather than in October, due to the probability of inclement weather.


Discussed the change of play days from Thursday to Wednesday.

In the event that we cannot schedule a course for a Wednesday date we will schedule said course for a Thursday play date.


There were no other topics presented for discussion and the meeting was adjourned.


After the meeting individual achievement awards and door prizes were presented.




2020 Meetings


Paul Welch – President

Phil Casella – Vise President

Rich Jordan – Secretary/Treasurer

Rich Jordan – Spring Medal Play Chairman

Rich Jordan – Fall Medal Play Chairman

Rich Jordan - Mini-Tour

June 6, 2020 – Opening Day

Due to the Covid-19 virus, and the restrictions and guidelines set forth by Governor Pritzker, the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity, the 2020 season opening day was postponed and no meeting was possible.

An email was sent to the member explaining the restrictions, guidelines and the procedures for checking in at the golf course.


2020 Banquet

20 Members attended.

Due to the Covid-19 shortened season, only members were allowed to attend.


The meal was not catered. It consisted of Barbeque Sandwiches, Baked Beans, Chips and Cookies.


There was no old business discussed.

There was no new business discussed.

Held over to 2021 Season Opener meeting – At the 2019 banquet, Rich Jordan proposed allowing the players in the fourth flight the opportunity to tee off from the lower tees on hole number 1 and the red tees on hole number 8. That topic will be discussed at the 2021 Season Opener meeting.


Meeting adjourned.


Door prizes were distributed. No individual awards were presented.




2019 Meetings


Paul Welch – President

Phil Casella – Vise President

Rich Jordan – Secretary/Treasurer

Rich Jordan – Spring Medal Play Chairman

Rich Jordan – Fall Medal Play Chairman

Rich Jordan - Mini-Tour

March 30, 2019 – Opening Day

Moment of silence for past members and recently deceased: John Hirstein, Dana Heupel and Larry Romang.

Introduction of officers.

Introduction of Laura Kuchar as new Pasfield manager.


As discussed at last year’s banquet, to equalize the number of players in each flight, the following changes will be made to the flight handicap ranges:

A = 0 thru 6

B = 7 thru 9

C = 10 thru 12

D = 13 thru 18


There will be no Match Play Tournament.

We will now have two Medal Play tournaments.

To determine who will be the club champion, the players with the lowest two tournament net scores will compete in a one week match play round.


Weekly flight payouts will be adjusted as follows:

1st = 30%

2nd = 25%

3rd = 20%

4th = 15%

5th = 10%


Delivered simplified version of the 2019 USGA rule changes.


The first tee time has been moved from 10:00 to 9:30.

If you are scheduled to take money, you should be at the course by 9:00.

When you take money, you will have the option to have the money posted to the books or not pay your game fees for that week.


Yearly dues have been increased to $40.

The cost for banquet guests has been raised to $15.


Money that is posted on the books can now be used for ANYTHING at any of the four park district golf courses.

Merchandise, food, carts, alcohol, green fees and can even be used toward the purchase of season passes and green fee punch cards.


Course closed. No play.


October 26, 2019 – Banquet and Business Meeting

32 Members, 18 Guests and Lance attended.


Hy-Vee catered the event. The menu included Oven Roasted Chicken, Roast Beef, Au-Gratin Potatoes, Buttered Corn, Salad and Cheesecake.


A business meeting was held after the meal.


There was no old business discussed.


Election of officers was postponed to next season to allow Tom Thompson the opportunity to determine which members he would like to serve with him.


There was no new business discussed.


There are no rule changes for next year.


Rich Jordan proposed allowing the players in the fourth flight the opportunity to tee off from the lower tees on hole number 1 and the red tees on hole number 8. That topic will be discussed at the 2020 Season Opener meeting.


The meeting was adjourned.


After the meeting, we distributed Individual Season awards and door prizes.





2018 Meetings

Paul Welch – President

Phil Casella – Vise President

Rich Jordan – Secretary/Treasurer

Rich Jordan - Match Play Chairman

Rich Jordan - Medal Play Chairman

Rich Jordan & Lance Flury - Mini-Tour

March 31, 2018 – Opening Day

35 Members in attendance


Meeting topics included:

General rules overview


The following members were nominated and voted into office:

President – Paul Welch

Vice President – Phil Casella

Secretary/Treasurer – Larry Stevens and Rich Jordan – A vote was held and Rich Jordan was voted in as Secretary/Treasurer for 2018


Bob Wheatley expressed his thoughts on the distribution of prizes at the banquet and the possible need to file a 909 tax form.


Regular golf followed the meeting. 14 Members played.


End of the Year Banquet and Business Meeting – October 27, 2018


38 Members and 24 Guests attended.

Hy-Vee catered the event. The menu included Roast Pork Loin, Roast Beef, Green Beans, Roasted Red Potatoes, Caesar Salad and Cake.


A business meeting was held after the meal.


There was no old business discussed.

New Business:

-          Discussed the range of handicaps in each flight to be adjusted to ‘equalize’ the flights.

-          Discussed the elimination of the Match Play tournament in favor of two Medal Play Tournaments

-          Lance Flury will no longer be the course pro at Pasfield. We will be moving to Lincoln Greens in 2019.

-          Rich Jordan announced his desire to retire, again, from the position of secretary/treasurer after the 2019 season.

There are no rule changes for next year.


Paul Welch will remain, in office, as the 2019 President.

Phil Casella will remain, in office, as the 2019 Vice-President.

Rich Jordan will remain, in office, as the 2019 Secretary/Treasurer


The meeting was adjourned.


After the meeting, we distributed Individual Season awards and door prizes.






2016 Meetings

Joe Bigley - President

Bob Munos – Vice President

Rich Jordan – Secretary/Treasurer

Rich Jordan - Match Play Chairman

Rich Jordan - Medal Play Chairman

Lance Flury & Rich Jordan - Mini-Tour

March 26, 2016 – Opening Day

41 members in attendance.


Meeting topics included:

General rules overview. No rule changes for this year.

Rich Jordan announced his intention of resigning from the Secretary/Treasurer position. Lance Cull said he would like to be considered for the position.


No other business was discussed. Regular golf followed the meeting.


End of the Year Meeting and Banquet

October 29, 2016

38 Members and 24 Guests attended.

Hy-Vee catered the event. The menu included Roast Pork Loin, Roast Beef, Green Beans, Roasted Red Potatoes, Caesar Salad and Cake.


A business meeting was held after the meal.


There was no old business discussed and no new business presented.

There are no rule changes for next year.


Rich Jordan announced his ‘retirement’ from the Secretary/Treasurer position. Larry Stevens was nominated and voted in as the 2017 Secretary/Treasurer.

Paul Welch was nominated and voted in as the 2017 President.

Bob Munos will remain, in office, as the 2017 Vice-President


Lance Flury presented Rich Jordan with a Springfield Park District gift certificate – the value of which was collected from the members as a token of their appreciation.


The meeting was adjourned.


After the meeting, we distributed Individual Season awards and door prizes.




2015 Meetings

Joe Bigley - President

Bob Munos – Vice President

Rich Jordan – Secretary/Treasurer

Rich Jordan - Match Play Chairman

Rich Jordan - Medal Play Chairman

Lance Flury & Rich Jordan - Mini-Tour

March 28, 2015 – Opening Day

40 Members were in attendance.

We recognized three new members.


Meeting topics included:

General rules overview.

Discussed changing the drop area on Hole #8, when a tee shot is hit into the creek, to a specific spot as opposed to anywhere, in the fairway, on the tee side of the creek.

After some discussion, the members voted to leave it as is.

There was a discussion about capping the number of strokes, for any player, to 10 strokes a hole.

Members voted to not have a maximum number of strokes on a hole.

Mini Tour schedule is still being set up. Will inform members when it has been completed.


End of the Year Meeting and Banquet

October 31, 2015

43 Members and 21 Guests attended.

Hy-Vee catered the event. The menu included Roast Pork Loin, Roast Beef, Green Beans, Roasted Red Potatoes, Caesar Salad and Assorted Cookies and Cupcakes.


A business meeting was held after the meal.

A motion was made, and seconded, to retain current officers for next year.

President – Joe Bigley

Vice President – Bob Munos

Secretary/Treasurer – Rich Jordan


There was no old business discussed and no new business presented.

There are no rule changes for next year.


The meeting was adjourned.


After the meeting, we distributed Individual Season awards, Lincoln Greens Couples payouts and door prizes.





2014 Meetings

Joe Bigley - President

Bob Munos – Vice President

Rich Jordan – Secretary/Treasurer

Rich Jordan - Match Play Chairman

Rich Jordan - Medal Play Chairman

Lance Flury & Rich Jordan - Mini-Tour

March 29, 2014 – Opening Day

41 members were in attendance.

Meeting topics included:

General rules overview, schedule and mini tour events.


October 18, 2014 - End of the year banquet and meeting

53 members and 23 guests attended the banquet. Hy-Vee catered the dinner.

A motion was made, and seconded, to retain current officers for next year.

President – Joe Bigley

Vice President – Bob Munos

Secretary/Treasurer – Rich Jordan


No rule changes for next year.

There was a discussion about changing Rule #8 to place a drop zone instead of dropping next to the creek. That was tabled until the 2015 Spring meeting.





2013 Meetings

Kris Kolba - President

Joe Bigley – Vice President

Rich Jordan – Secretary/Treasurer

Rich Jordan - Match Play Chairman

Rich Jordan - Medal Play Chairman

Lance Flury & Rich Jordan - Mini-Tour

March 30, 2013 – Opening Day

40 members were in attendance.

Meeting topics included:

General rules overview, schedule and mini tour events.

Everyone liked having the Lincoln Greens golf and banquet spread across two weekends so we will continue with that program.

2012 Garage sale report. $193.00 collected – used for prizes and snacks for the 2012 banquet.

We received a $50 donation, in memory of Ron Rees, that was used for doughnuts and beverages at the meeting.


New business:

Lance told the members about the Easy Link online tee time website.

Steve Martin proposed a four man scramble be played every week. A discussion was held citing the pros and cons of the proposal. After the discussions, a vote was taken. Result: no scrambles will be played – currently scheduled games will remain.


No golf – Course still had partial snow coverage and was too wet for play.


October 19, 2013 - End of the year banquet and meeting

44 members and 24 guests attended the banquet. McCormick’s catered the dinner.

Kris Kloba chose not to retain the office of President

New officers were elected for 2014.

President – Joe Bigley

Vice President – Nominees were Bob Munos and Jerry Kooken – Vote count = Bob Munos 30   Jerry Kooken 17  - Bob Munos will be the 2014 Vice President

Secretary/Treasurer – Rich Jordan


Discussions included:

- No one will be allowed to move in front of another scheduled player on the tee sheet. If you miss a week, we will still have the usual procedures in place for you to get a tee time for the following week.

- After you check in at the money table, you must check in with Duane. If not, you may lose your spot on the play sheet.

- Money takers will draw the chips for each player’s tee time for the following week. You may still schedule a date to take money.

- If the money chip is drawn, for you, you must take money or find someone to take your place.







2012 Meetings

Kris Kolba - President

Joe Bigley – Vice President

Rich Jordan – Secretary/Treasurer

Rich Jordan - Match Play Chairman

Rich Jordan - Medal Play Chairman

Lance Flury & Rich Jordan - Mini-Tour

March 31, 2012 – Opening Day

49 Players joined the club (Current membership is 56)

Meeting topics included:

Discussion and vote on expanding the End of Year Lincoln Greens golf event and banquet to two consecutive Saturdays. Vote was unanimous in favor of expanding to two days.

General rules overview, schedule and mini tour events.

Proposed garage sale, to obtain additional income, in lieu of raising dues and/or weekly fees.

Regular play followed the meeting. 47 members played.

October – End of the year banquet

McCormick’s catered the event.


Business meeting

The 2012 officers will resume their positions in 2013.

There was no old business.

There was no new business.




2011 Meetings

Kris Kolba - President

Joe Bigley – Vice President

Rich Jordan – Secretary/Treasurer

Rich Jordan - Match Play Chairman

Rich Jordan - Medal Play Chairman

Lance Flury & Rich Jordan - Mini-Tour

April 2, 2011 – Opening Day

56 Players joined the club. (Current membership is 58.)

There was a short meeting.

Meeting topics included: general overview of rules, schedule and mini tour events.

Regular play followed the meeting. 45 members played.

October 15, 2011 - End of the year banquet

McCormick’s catered the banquet


Business meeting

The 2011 officers will resume their positions in 2012.

There was a discussion about having golf at Lincoln Greens one week and having the banquet the next week. The discussion will continue at the spring meeting.

Amendment to Rule #10. All players 85 years of age, or older, whose handicap puts them in the D flight may play from the red tees on all holes.




2010 Meetings

Jerry Kooken - President

Dustin Rogersc  - Vice President

Brent Boardman-Rich Jordan- Secretary/Treasurer

Rich Jordan - Match Play Chairman

Rich Jordan - Medal Play Chairman

Lance Flury & Rich Jordan - Mini-Tour

October 23, 2010 – 2010 End of the Year Banquet Minutes

54 members and 29 guests attended the banquet.

There was no old, or new, business to discuss.


An election was held for the 2011 officers.

Rich Jordan was voted in as Secretary/Treasurer.

Joe Bigley and Dustin Rogers were nominated for Vice President. Joe Bigley won the majority of the vote and will be the 2011 Vice President.

Kris Kloba was nominated and voted in as President


Dinner was catered by McCormick’s Catering.


After dinner, achievement awards were presented. Those awards can be found by clicking here.


This year’s Mini Tour Champion is  Bob Munos.

This year’s Putter of the year was awarded to Tony Behrends

This year’s Player of the year was awarded to Phil Reed.


After the awards presentation, door prizes were given out and plants were given to all of the female attendees.



2009 Meetings

Jerry Kooken - President

Tom Vehovc  - Vice President

Brent Boardman- Secretary/Treasurer

Rich Jordan - Match Play Chairman

Rich Jordan - Medal Play Chairman

Lance Flury & Rich Jordan - Mini-Tour


April 7 - Season Opener Meeting
The major topics included:

As outgoing president, Joe Bigley presided over the ‘Old Business” portion of the meeting.

1. The change to Rule #10 was reiterated for the members who attended the meeting.

2. Rule #6 was explained in detail to help alleviate any remaining questions about the drop zone on Hole #8.

3. Jerry Kooken was voted in as President for the 2009 season.

All other PPMC related activities, rules and procedures will remain the same.



2008 Meetings

Joe Bigley - President

???  - Vice President

Rich Jordan - Secretary/Treasurer

Rich Jordan - Match Play Chairman

Rich Jordan - Medal Play Chairman

Lance Flury & Rich Jordan - Mini-Tour


April 5 - Season Opener Meeting
The major topics included:

1. An executive decision was made to include a weekly door prize to be awarded to the member who draws the ‘Door Prize’ chip while drawing for their tee time for the following week’s play.

There were no major changes to the way we will be doing things this year.
All other PPMC related activities, rules and procedures will remain the same.

October 18 – Banquet Business Meeting

1. Rules #10 was amended to read: Rule #10. Lower Tee Hole #1 - Any member 65 years of age or older, with a handicap of 12 or above, may, at their option, tee off from the lower tee on Hole #1. Members age 75 or older, with a handicap of 15 or above, may, at their option, tee off from the red tee on all holes. Any member 80 years of age, or older, EXCEPT those in the 1st flight, may, at their option, tee off from the lower tee on hole #1.

2. Joe Bigley and Rich Jordan both announced their retirement from their respective PPMC offices.

3. Tom Vehove was voted in as the Vice President for the 2009 season.

4. Brent Boardman was voted in as the Secretary/Treasurer for the 2009 season.



2007 Meetings

Joe Bigley - President

Bob Wheatley - Vice President

Rich Jordan - Secretary/Treasurer

Larry Hoffman - Match Play Chairman

Rich Jordan - Medal Play Chairman

Mini-Tour Co-Chairmen


March 31 - Season Opener Meeting
The major topics included:
1. Tee times will determined by a weekly draw. See Tee Time Rules.
2. The End of the Year banquet will be moved the Lincoln Greens. In addition, we will be holding a special Couples event on the day of the banquet. Door prizes will be handed out at the door upon arrival to the banquet.
3. The PPMC webpage will no longer contain past weekly results or tee times. Only the current week's info will be displayed.
4. All members over 80 years of age may tee off from the lower tee on hole #1.
5. Hole #8. If your tee shot goes into the water, take a stroke and drop in the drop zone. The drop zone will be on the left side of the #8 fairway straight out from the small pine tree at the 200 yard marker. All other shots in the water will be played according to regular USGA rules.
6. Mini-Tour. Events, tee times and games have been changed. Prize money will be distributed at the course played after the event. Handicaps will be determined using only the scores shot at the mini-tour events.
7. You may place your ball anywhere laterally on the tee so long as you stay behind the blocks.
All other PPMC related activities, rules and procedures will remain the same.

Banquet Business Meeting:

1. The Match Play Tournament was expanded to, once again, allow for Inter-flight play. Inter-flight play matches will consist of 18 holes and may be played over the course of two Saturdays.

2. Participants in the Match Play Tournament will have only one week to complete each flighted round. This was done to facilitate the reintroduction of inter-flight play into the tournament.

3. Prizes for the lowest number of putts in each flight will be paid on a weekly basis.

4. The weekly game fees will be raised from $4 for regular game weeks and $5 for Memorial Game weeks.


2005 Meetings

2005 Officer's/Committee Chairmen Winter Meeting - February 21, 2005

Tim Sullivan - President

Joe Bigley - Vice President

Rich Jordan - Secretary/Treasurer

Larry Hoffman - Match Play Chairman

Rich Jordan - Medal Play Chairman

Dave Morse & Marvin Utsinger - Mini-Tour Co-Chairmen


2005 Season Opener Meeting - April 2nd
In Tim Sullivan's absence, Joe Bigley ran the meeting.
The major topics included:
1. The membership voted unanimously to move the starting tee time to 10:45 am. 
2. Dues will remain at $30.00 per member.
3. All money, except money takers' payments, will be posted to the books at the Pasfield Park Clubhouse.
4. The Rail Tournament will no longer be a part of the mini tour. Beginning this year, we will hold an annual Rail tournament as part of the regular PPMC schedule.
5. The point system, for weekly games payouts, that was discussed at last year's banquet, was ruled out in favor of paying four handicap-based places, per flight, for weekly prizes.
All other PPMC related activities, rules and procedures will remain the same.

Special Order of Business Meeting - April 30th
This meeting was to discuss, and vote on, the proposal to let select members tee off from the red tees.
A motional was made, and seconded, to allow all members 75 years of age, and older, with a handicap of 12 or higher, to tee off from the red tees on all holes.
After some discussion, the motion was pulled and a new motion was made, and seconded, to allow all members 75 years of age, and older, with a handicap of 15 or higher, to tee off from the red tees on all holes. The resulting vote was unanimous.

Special Order of Business Meeting - June 18th
This meeting was to discuss, and vote on, the proposal to increase the number of weekly play flights from three (3) to four (4).
A motion was made, and seconded, to increase the number of weekly play flights from three (3) to four (4).
Rich Jordan presented an explanation, detailing the breakdown of the number of members in each current and proposed flight and the number of actual rounds played in each current and proposed flight. The resulting vote was unanimous.

2004 Meetings

2004 Officer's/Committee Chairmen Winter Meeting - February 11, 2004

Dana Heupel - President

Tim Sullivan - Vice President

Rich Jordan - Secretary/Treasurer

Larry Hoffman - Match Play Chairman

Dave Morse & Marvin Utsinger - Mini-Tour Co-Chairmen


Old Business:

2004 Officers - President - Dana Heupel; Vice President - Tim Sullivan; Secretary/Treasurer - Rich Jordan 
Dues -  The dues for this year will remain at $30.00. 

New Business:

1. 2004 Schedule - The new schedule has been posted of the Schedule page on the PPMCGOLF website 

2. Tournament Rules - The rules for all of the PPMC tournaments will remain the same as last year, and will be posted on the bulletin board prior to each of the scheduled events. 

3. Special Events/Games: Some events will require a special sign-up sheet in order to participate. (These events will be indicated.) Rules for all events will be posted prior to the date of the event.

**Blind Partner - 2-Man Blind Partner game will be played on May 8th. 

**Putting Contest - This year's putting contest will be held on May 29th. 

**Medal Play - The Medal Play tournament will be held on June 19th & June 26th. A cookout will follow this event 

**Flag Tournament - The flag tournament is an optional game that will be played in addition to, and in conjunction with, regular weekly play. The date for this event is July 10th. 

**President's Choice - This year Dana has chosen the following game: ???????? This event will be played on July 24th. A sign-up sheet will be posted prior to the date of the event. 

**Match Play - The Match Play Tournament will begin on August 7th. A sign-up sheet will be posted prior to the event. 

**End-of-Year Team Event - The End-of-Year Scramble will be replaced with a 4-Man Team event. This event will be held on Oct 9th. A sign-up sheet will be posted prior to the event. A cookout will follow the event. 

**Memorial Games - Memorial Games will be played on the first Saturday of each month beginning in May.

4. Handicap - The handicap percentage will remain at 90%, for all games and tournaments requiring a handicapped score, and will be calculated using the USGA's Equitable Stroke parameters. 

5. End-of-Year Banquet/Business Meeting - The End-of-Year Banquet/Business Meeting will be held on Oct 23th. Further details will be posted prior to the event. 

6. Proposed rule change: There was a proposed rule change for rule #6. The following changes to rule # 6 have been proposed: 
Rule #6 - Unchanged:
Hole #8 - South of the southernmost bridge is a lateral water hazard. If your ball enters the creek south of the southernmost bridge, it may be played from the green side of the creek, within two club lengths of where it entered the water, but no closer to the hole. Pursuant to Rule #26–1.c
If your ball enters the water between the northern most bridge and the middle bridge, you may drop your ball in the drop zone that will be created to the north and west of the cart path that extends westward from the middle bridge.


2004 Season Opener Meeting - April 3rd

1. Dana opened the meeting at 10:00 am. 
2. Topics included; PPMC Rules and Procedures, Prize payouts and Schedule of events. 
3. The membership voted unanimously to move the starting tee time to 10:45 am. 
4. It was announced that Dave Morse and Marvin Utsinger are the new co-chairmen of the Mini Tour. 
5. The mini tour will pay $5.00 per event to the PPMC for the purpose of purchasing trophies for the mini tour. 
6. Rich Jordan explained the proposed point system for weekly payouts. He will run the point system in parallel to the regular payout system for the duration of the season for discussion at the end-of-the-year banquet. 
7. A rule change was proposed for hole #8. The rule included the use of a drop zone. A vote was held and the rule was passed unanimously.

2003 Meetings

2003 Officer's/Committee Chairmen Winter Meeting - February 5, 2003


Eric Young, President

Dana Heupel - Vice President

Rich Jordan - Secretary/Treasurer

Larry Hoffman - Match Play Chairman

Dick Steinhour - Putting Contest Chairman

Randy Robbins - Mini-Tour Chairman

Agenda Items:

Old Business: As voted on at the 2002 End-of-Year Banquet/Business Meeting

2003 Officers - President - Eric Young; Vice President - Dana Heupel; Secretary/Treasurer - Rich Jordan 
Dues -  The dues for this year will be raised to $30.00. 
3-Club Tournament - The 3-Club Tournament has been replaced with the President's Choice game. 

New Business:

1. 2003 Schedule - The new schedule has been posted of the Schedule page on the PPMCGOLF website 

2. Tournament Rules - The rules for all of the PPMC tournaments will remain the same as last year, and will be posted on the bulletin board prior to each of the scheduled events. 

3. Special Events/Games: Some events will require a special sign-up sheet in order to participate. (These events will be indicated.) Rules for all events will be posted prior to the date of the event.

**Blind Partner - 2-Man Blind Partner game will be played on May 10th. 

**Putting Contest - This year's putting contest will be held on May 31st. 

**Medal Play - The Medal Play tournament will be held on June 21st & June 28th. A cookout will follow this event 

**Flag Tournament - The flag tournament is an optional game that will be played in addition to, and in conjunction with, regular weekly play. The date for this event is July 12th. 

**President's Choice - Eric's President's Choice game will be a 2-Man Alternate Shot game. This event will be played on July 26th. A sign-up sheet will be posted prior to the date of the event. 

**Match Play - The Match Play Tournament will begin on August 9th. A sign-up sheet will be posted prior to the event. 

**End-of-Year Team Event - The End-of-Year Scramble will be replaced with a 4-Man Team event. This event will be held on Oct 11th. A sign-up sheet will be posted prior to the event. A cookout will follow the event. 

**Memorial Games - Memorial Games will be played on the first Saturday of each month beginning in May.

4. Handicap - The handicap percentage will remain at 90%, for all games and tournaments requiring a handicapped score, and will be calculated using the USGA's Equitable Stroke parameters. 

5. End-of-Year Banquet/Business Meeting - The End-of-Year Banquet/Business Meeting will be held on Oct 18th. Further details will be posted prior to the event. 


April 5, 2003 - Opening Day Meeting

1. Eric Young (Pres.) convened the meeting at 10:05. 
He talked about the increase in the club dues; the local club rules; the weekly game, the scheduled special events and tournaments; the tee-time sign-up sheets and the play-every-week option; the payment methods for taking money, weekly games, skins, closest-to-the-pin and longest putt games. 
2. Rich Jordan (Sec/Treas.) explained the process for calculating the members' handicaps. 
Eric introduced the new Pasfield Park Golf Course resident pro, Lance Flury. Lance spoke to the membership and introduced the new Saturday starter. 
3. There was some discussion about Rule #6, Water Hazard. (Rich will type up the rule with a pictorial explanation of the rule and post it on the bulletin board.) 
4. PPMC Logo shirts and caps, offered for purchase by the members, were displayed and some orders were placed. 

The meeting was adjourned at 10:35. 

42 members joined the club today, raising the membership to 45. 
20 members and 1 guest played. 
The weather was cloudy, windy and cold. The temperature was 38o with 17 MPH winds. Are we nuts or what. 



May 24, 2003 - Flagpole Meeting

1. Eric Young convened the meeting at 10:30 am. 
2. John Hine shared some memories about Les Nichols. After which we had a moment of silence for Les. A collection was taken for a contribution, to be presented in Les' name, to the American Cancer Society. 
3. Eric explained the details of the proposed flagpole and its installation. Larry Hoffman expressed his concerns about the replacement of the flags when they wore out. Lance Flury assured everyone that the golf course would replace the flag as it became worn. 
4. Eric informed the members present about the date change, from June 28 to June 21, for the Medal-Play Tournament cookout. 
5. Eric also reminded everyone that the Putting Contest is being held next week and that no practice is allowed before participation. 
6. Eric presented the $15.00 first place prizes for the 2-Man Blind Draw Tournament to Jim Stufflebeam and Andre Usinger. He also presented PPMC caps to Dana Heupel and Steve Utsinger for their first place finish in the putting division. 
7. The PPMC shirts and caps came in and were distributed to the members who purchased them.

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