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PPMC Past Results
To view a past week’s results, click on the link of the date you would like to view.
3/16/2024 5/25/2024 8/3/2024
3/23/2024 6/1/2024 8/10/2024
3/30/2024 6/8/2024 8/17/2024
4/6/2024 6/15/2024 8/24/2024
4/13/2024 6/22/2024 8/31/2024
4/20/2024 06/29/2024 - Three Club Game 9/7/2024
4/27/2024 7/6/2024 9/14/2024
5/4/2024 7/13/2024 9/21/2024
5/11/2024 7/20/2024 9/28/2024
5/18/2024 7/27/2024 10/5/2024
3/25/2023 - Rain-out 6/3/2023 8/12/2023
4/1/2023 - Rain-out 6/10/2023 8/19/2023
4/8/2023 6/17/2023 8/26/2023
4/15/2023 6/24/2023 9/2/2023
4/22/2023 7/1/2023 - President's Choice 9/9/2023
4/29/2023 7/8/2023 9/16/2023
5/6/2023 7/15/2023 9/23/2023
5/13/2023 7/22/2023 End of the Year Team Event
5/20/2023 7/29/2023  
5/27/2023 8/5/2023  
03/26/2022 - Wet - Cold - windy 6/4/2022 8/13/2022
4/2/2022 6/11/2022 8/20/2022
4/9/2022 6/18/2022 8/27/2022
4/16/2022 6/25/2022 9/3/2022
4/23/2022 7/2/2022 9/10/2022
4/30/2022 7/9/2022 9/17/2022
5/7/2022 7/16/2022 9/24/2022
5/14/2022 7/23/2022 10/1/2022
5/21/2022 - Rain Out 7/30/2022 10/8/2022
5/28/2022 8/6/2022  
3/27/2021 6/5/2021 8/14/20221
4/3/2021 6/12/2021 8/21/2021
4/10/2021 - Rain-out 6/19/2021 - Rain-Out 8/28/2021
4/17/2021 6/26/2021 9/4/2021
4/24/2021 - Rain Out 7/3/2021 9/11/2021
5/1/2021 7/10/2021 9/18/20212
5/8/2021 7/17/2021 9/25/2021
5/15/2021 7/24/2021 10/2/2021
5/22/2021 7/31/2021 - Rain Out 10/9/2021
5/29/2021 8/7/2021  
6/6/2020 7/25/2020 9/12/2020 - Rain-out
6/13/2020 8/1/2020 9/19/2020
6/20/2020 8/8/2020 9/26/2020
6/27/2020 - Rain-out 8/15/2020 10/3/2020
7/4/2020 8/22/2020  
7/11/2020 8/29/2020  
7/18/2020 9/5/2020  
3/30/2019 - course closed 6/8/2019 8/17/2019 - Rain Out
4/6/2019 6/15/2019 - course closed 8/24/2019
4/13/2019 6/22/2019 - course closed 8/31/2019
4/20/2019 6/29/2019 9/7/2019
4/27/2019 7/6/2019 9/14/2019
5/4/2019 7/13/2019 9/21/2019
5/11/2019 7/20/2019 9/28/2019
5/18/2019 7/27/2019 10/5/2019
5/25/2019 8/3/2019 10/12/2019
6/1/2019 8/10/2019 10/19/2019
3/31/2018 6/2/2018 7/28/2018
4/14/2018 6/9/2018 8/4/2018
4/21/2018 6/16/2018 8/11/2018
4/28/2018 6/23/2018 8/18/2018
5/5/2018 6/30/2018 8/25/2018
5/12/2018 7/7/2018 9/1/2018
5/19/2018 7/14/2018 9/8/18 - Rain Out
5/26/2018 7/21/2018 9/15/2018